Sometimes good people wind up on the wrong side of the law, and this may be the case for a loved one. If so, it's important for you to find a bail bondsman to secure your family member's release on bail as soon as possible, for several important reasons. The experts at Connecticut's 3-D Bail Bonds, a 24/7 bail bond service, list five benefits of making sure your loved one is out on bail:
Fewer Convictions: When someone posts bail they are able to fight the case walking in from the public rather than from lock up as a prisoner. They can hire a private attorney or utilize the services of a public defender, automatically increasing his or her chances of a reduction in charges or potentially a complete dismissal. An incarcerated defendant who has been locked up for a prolonged period may be pressured to take a guilty plea in order to gain freedom. Incarcerated defendants often do this without thinking of further consequences to their criminal records. Remember: With a less than 58% conviction rate of defendants released on bail, nearly half are not. And most convictions end up with reduced charges.
It's Easier to Build a Case on The Outside: If someone's behind bars, it can make it difficult to do the research and acquire the resources needed to build a case. Things that we take for granted on the outside, such as phone service and Internet access, are limited or restricted completely when you're in jail. Having access to these resources can make all the difference in the world when building a case.
It Allows Discretion: The longer a person remains incarcerated, the more likely it is that news of the incarceration will spread. A quick release on bail sets the stage for handling the issue privately. Don’t forget you have a Constitutional Right. You are innocent until they prove you're guilty.
Bail Release Can Prevent Job Loss: The more time that someone has to spend away from work, the more likely it is that their absence could result in the loss of their job. If bail is promptly posted with the help of a bail bondsman, your loved one will be able to return to work quickly, with few or no missed work hours.
Bail Saves Taxpayers Money: The average case takes 7 months. 210 days at a rate of $142.47 per day it costs Connecticut Taxpayers $29,918.70 to incarcerate someone awaiting trial. Bail bonds agents providing pretrial release charge the State of Connecticut $0 to insure the appearance of defendants to court.